Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Post

I've never had a blog before, so I'm not entirely sure as to what to type, but I hope I can improve.
I suppose I'll have to observe other blogs to get the hang of my own.
I dedicate this blog to my friends who have supported me through recent times in my life that have been hard.
I hope they can forgive me for the wrong I've done, and understand how much I appriciate and respect them.
I'm truly trying to better myself. It's the least I can do for my friends in return for what they've done for me.


B.J. said...

Hello you don't know me but I still say hi...

B.J. said...

Oh yea found this from Black Raspberries blog....

RachAEL said...

hey john. u one of BRs friends? y dont u have some abstract name like BR, pickels or BJ haha jk jkjk young buffalo!!

Kobay said...

ay my foos! ay meh brotha! jon dude sophistacated blog. rach john is KV's girl now a days..........................................yeup. seriously dude u should be called master of madness or somthin it would be coll. ya BJ!! a twisted name like bj! niiiiiiice one rachael!

LeaTude said...

sup taken? dude john, ur blog url is *johnmadeablog.* how come im not surprised? is ur password *password* too or did u pick something less subtle? come to my blog, k?

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